Is A Post-Implementation Review Critical to Project Success? - Nolij Consulting

Post-Implementation Review

Concluding a project in IT does not mean finishing the project management timeline. A Post Implementation Review (PIR) is led to completing the project and is one of the most significant parts of the project life-cycle as it safeguards the organizational benefits from the project’s outcome. The objective is not an end in itself but relatively to address the detailed business requirements. It is for this reason a PIR is critical to an effective project, evaluating whether project purposes were met, how successfully the project was run, lessons for the future, and the actions essential for the profits from the project outputs.

In 2020 Nolij was tasked by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) to do an independent PIR of their mission-critical Integrated Management Administrative Resource Tool (iMART) and their Manufacture, Stock, and Delivery system. In association with two FAS stakeholder groups, Nolij analysed data to control whether critical FAS business progressions were being maintained and help decision-makers progress investment decisions. 

The prime benefit of iMART to FAS is its exceptional capability to achieve and integrate USDA’s strategic planning with human resources, logistics, and financial doings related to external procedures. The PSD system reinforces the critical analysis and market intellect that is initial to the FAS mission of increasing U.S. agricultural exports through trade policy enterprises, marketing activities, and trade capacity projects. The PSD is the primary data system for global agricultural production, trade, consumption, and stocks.

Nolij, a Health IT and RPA Emerging Technology services company, analysed months of data from PSD and iMART and provided endorsements on IT architecture, project management, customer acceptance, business process sustenance and boosting high-performance in the workforce.

The concluding report included:

1. Estimation of return on investment (ROI) to date; an objective cost against expected investments appraisal

2. Calculation of enterprise architecture, IT infrastructure and system functionality by measuring performance, safety risks and mitigation strategies

3. Defining impact to stakeholders by appraising business procedure support and FAS investment decision-making progressions for IT projects.

Working on the PIR for USDA was a wonderful collaborative opportunity for the Nolij business analyst team as demonstrated by the praise received from the FAS PSD project manager: “Thanks for the high-quality effort and results!” For Nolij, helping customers reach their business goals defines our success.


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